Conference talks, howtos, slides, articles and so forth:
- Introduction to PyMacaron for PyCon Sweden 2019 in Stockholm (2019-11).
- Maintaining large software for the course 'Large scale programming' at Uppsala University (2010-09, 2011-10, 2013-01).
- Slides on Working::Daemon and DBIx::QueryByName for the first Baltic Perl Workshop in Riga (2009-11-21).
- Slides on Gradual Typing for the Stockholm Perl6 workshop (2009-05-29).
- Test anything with Perl (given at Freenix 2008).
- Pluto's testing framework and technics for writing robust code in Perl (given at Nordic Perl Workshop 2007).
- A developer introduction to Pluto, the core financial software of the Swedish Premium Pension Authority. Talk given together with Niclas Lundborg at Freenix 2006 and as a lecture for the course 'Dynamic Programming Languages' at KTH/DSV in 2007 and 2008
- A study of Intrusion Detection Systems (my master thesis report). About IDS technology and algorithms, IDS filters, anomaly detection, IDS evasion, IDSs and antiviruses, distributed IDS frameworks and more... And a short article about protocol anomaly detection in network based IDSs (2001)
- Solutions to some programming exercises from the course 'Algorithm and Complexity' at KTH: the lunch ticket problem and unimodal sequences, the workshop problem. Followed by a review of some sorting and string searching algorithms writen together with Eric Nordenstam, and an implementation of suffix arrays (2000)
- A thesis discussing the structure of self-replicating code (aka computer viruses) and illustrated with examples writen for HP48 pocket computers. It's in French (sorry) but the assembler listings are still readable... (here is an html version) (1998)