I read quite much, enough that I forget titles and authors after a few years, which can be frustrating. Nowadays I maintain a record of what I read on goodreads.
And here are some computer books I really liked:
* Code complete (McConnell)
* Types and programming languages (Pierce)
* Programming pearls (Bentley)
* The practice of programming (Kernighan & Pike)
* The pragmatic programmer (Hunt & Thomas)
* The mythical man-month (Brooks)
* Peopleware (DeMarco & Lister)
* Continuous Delivery (Dave Farley & Jez Humble)
* Design patterns (Gamma, Helm, Johnson & Vlissides)
* Agile & Iterative Development, a manager's guide (Larman)
* Modern operating systems (Tanenbaum)
* Understanding the linux kernel (Bovet & Cesati)
* UNIX systems programming for srv4 (Curry)
* Introduction to algorithms (Cormen, Leiserson & Rivest)
* TCP/IP illustrated (Stevens)
* Applied Cryptography (Schneier)
* Haskell, the craft of functional programming (Thompson)
* Expert Oracle database architecture (Kyte)
* Hacking, the art of exploitation (Jon Erickson)
* Exploiting software (Hoglund, McGraw)
* The giant black book of computer viruses (Ludwig)